Do You Know Who You Are?

by Amanda Hauck

The most common problem I see and face in the world today is insecurity.  So many people (myself included) grapple with their identity, only to find themselves choked out by the opinions of others.  

It is so easy to define ourselves by our political affiliations or job descriptions, but God sees us as so much more. As leaders living in a culture searching for purpose and meaning, it is so important to be rooted in our true identity.  

Maybe you’ve heard this before. Maybe you hear this all the time. Take some time to let truth wash over your heart so you can walk in the way He created you to walk:

You were made by the God of the universe, the Divine Creator, to reflect His goodness and share it with the world. All of creation reflects the care and concern God took when He made this universe...and so do you. God made you exactly the way He wanted you to be, because He knew that through your uniqueness you would share a certain quality that the world needs.

Though sin, shame and pain try to keep you from walking in this reality, Jesus came so you may have life and life to the full. As you journey to discover this fullness, you bear fruit around you that brings Him joy. You are necessary. You are important.  You are so loved.  

You are never more like who God made you to be than when you are worshipping Him and enjoying His presence. The beauty of this statement is that you have access to the Father wherever you go. He is always there, ready for you to take part in His goodness, love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. The Bible says that all things are made by Him, through Him, and for Him. God made all things to bring glory to Him. 

So as you lead congregations in worship, design graphics that inspire awe, write songs that put words of life on lips, and everything in between, you take part in helping others live out their God-given purpose. You reflect the Creator as you create. Your words and actions carry weight and purpose.     

Whether this is easy for you to hear today or like nails on a chalkboard, I pray that God will meet you with the words your heart desperately needs to hear:  You were chosen to be who you are, and fully seen, known, and loved, and nothing can change that or take it away. 

A few challenges for you: 

  1. Ask God who He says you are, and then sit quietly and listen. Write down something that comes to mind, and place it somewhere you look every day. 

  2. Ask God who He says you’re not, and let Him replace any lies you have been believing with His truth. 

  3. Take a deep breath. You are who you are meant to be, and where you are meant to be.  Thank God for this truth. And if you struggle to believe it, ask Him to help you believe it.